Prevent Spring Injuries With These Tips
Winter is over, and after months of remaining indoors, your body may require some warming up to get back into being more physically active. Without preventative measures, coming out of hibernation too strongly puts you at an increased risk for sprains, strains, and other common injuries.
With Spring slowly appearing, let’s discuss ways to prevent injuries while returning to your outdoor activities.
Get your gear in order. This is a crucial step that is often overlooked. Go through all of your clothing and equipment to ensure everything is in good condition. It would be best if you made a habit of inspecting everything from your shoes to your workout clothes to your gear and accessories. Get your bikes tuned up, check for cracks in equipment, get grips replaced, and put air in your tires.
Make it a habit to warm up your muscles before every exercise. Before you get out there, start moving your body, set aside 5 – 10 minutes to warm up your muscles. Even before heading out on a walk, loosening up your muscles and getting your blood flowing is essential. Different activities require different attention to key muscle groups; these are some that are more universal and should be included in all warm-up exercises:
- Calves
- Hamstring
- Quadriceps
- IT band
- Piriformis
- Gluteal muscles
- Lower back
- Neck/shoulders
Ensure these muscle groups are stretched during a cool down as well.
Maintain a Balance
In addition to preparing your body to perform tasks that may require more exertion, it is crucial to maintain a semblance of balance within your entire musculoskeletal system. This includes regular chiropractic appointments, massage, physiotherapy, healthy eating, adequate hydration, everyday activity, good night’s sleep, maintaining healthy relationships, good posture, and a healthy weight.
How Chiropractic Can Help
When your spine is correctly aligned, your muscles and tendons will be more relaxed, leaving you less prone to injuries. If you have been sedentary over the winter months, give us a call for a check up and practical guidance before you begin any new workout or exercise routine. Being proactive with your physical health will make all the difference if you face an injury.
With that being said, if you have spent the winter months enjoying winter sports or have consistently gone to the gym, you may be ready to move right into activities with a similar warm-up and cool-down routine.
Either way, we can help.
Until then, enjoy the warmer, sunnier days, and stay safe!
Is an Ankle Injury Preventing From Moving Forward?
If you have ever had an ankle injury, you know how it can affect your mobility for months and, if left untreated, for years. The trouble with ankle injuries is that they are often misdiagnosed because they can affect other areas of the body. An ankle injury commonly causes hip, knee, or lower back pain. Still, it can often be treated as an injury to the part of the anatomy experiencing the pain.
In addition to a possible misdiagnosis, you may choose pain medications over a more holistic approach to assessment and healing. Many people spend much time and money masking symptoms with pain relievers, never addressing the root cause.
The Ankle is a Structure That Requires Stability
The ankle comprises bones, ligaments, joints, muscles, cartilage, and tendons. Under ordinary circumstances, this structure should last you a lifetime of supporting the weight of your body concerning your daily activity.
Suppose an injury has not healed correctly; the impact can lead to lifelong pain, re-injury, or discomfort.
Treatment Options
Typically people are advised to start with R.I.C.E – rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Some suggest replacing the ‘R’ (rest) with ‘M’ (movement). If this is the case, movement must be done safely, slowly, and carefully so as not to cause further injury or inflammation.
Other types of traditional treatment include pain control through over-the-counter or prescription medication; severe injuries may require surgery.
When to see A Chiropractor
You should see a chiropractor proactively and at the onset of discomfort or an injury. We will initially assess the source of your pain to uncover the best course of your treatment.
As the ankle heals and the inflammation subsides, chiropractic adjustments can be introduced to the ankle and foot. The goal is to provide a means to reduce pain, increase healing, and prevent further injuries.
Regular chiropractic care will help to strengthen the ankle and increase its stability while improving mobility and flexibility.
This, paired with lifestyle changes, gentle stretches, and exercise, is key to aiding and maintaining healing.
The Bottom Line
Seeing a chiropractor is always a practical part of a care plan. Choosing non-invasive, natural approaches to healing is a choice that more and more people are considering. Whatever your decision is, chiropractic care for an ankle injury or pain is a significant first step toward holistic healing.
Ankle injuries can become nagging, long-lasting injuries if not appropriately treated. If you are experiencing ankle pain or pain in other areas of your body that could be related to an ankle injury, contact us for a consultation. There may be an ankle injury that has failed to heal.
We look forward to helping you move forward in an educated and pain-free way.