The Most Common Myths About Chiropractic
Chiropractic is a health profession that is typically surrounded by a great deal of misinformation. Even those who have never been to a Chiropractor have heard commonly held beliefs and misconceptions, or pass on stories of others they’ve heard about Chiropractic. And typically, these anecdotes all tend to have a pretty negative slant.
After all, tales that involve negativity seem to catch on far better than positive ones, don’t they?
That’s why it’s so important to bust the myths that surround chiropractic. Here are some of the most common:
If you see a chiropractor even one single time, you will have to go for the rest of your life.
Clearly, the person who started this one never understood what chiropractors actually do! A first visit always involves a thorough assessment process to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for chiropractic care. It’s true that each visit may build on the next, adding up to cumulative results. Recommendations for any continuing care, however, are made on an individual basis. What is best for one person will not necessarily be what works best for the next.
And always, the patient has the power to decide how long they’d like to continue care, stopping whenever you see fit.
Chiropractors are not doctors.
Not true! In fact, Chiropractors are allowed to use the title “doctor” just as any physician, optometrist, or dentist, as long as they hold a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. This type of program involves extensive training and expertise, which includes diagnosis.
You have to be referred to a Chiropractor by your medical doctor.
Nope! Chiropractors are considered to be primary contact providers. That means anyone can access a chiropractor directly without having to go through their medical doctor. Since chiropractors are trained in diagnosis, the initial assessment process involves coming to a diagnosis that will determine if chiropractic is right for a specific case. If you have private health insurance, however, note that some plans may have particular rules about getting a referral in order to access coverage.
Chiropractors only see people for back pain.
Most people are surprised to learn about the wide variety of conditions that may respond well to chiropractic care. It’s certainly not limited to an aching back! Chiropractors are knowledgeable in the entire musculoskeletal system and a range of biomechanical issues. In addition to caring for these types of problems, chiropractors can provide people with advice about ergonomics and other aspects of lifestyle that contribute to an individual’s overall levels of wellness.
Evidence doesn’t support that chiropractic care works.
This one couldn’t be further from the truth! It isn’t just single case studies that show how well chiropractic works. There have been significant studies that demonstrate the Chiropractic adjustment as being highly effective in addressing chronic or acute musculoskeletal conditions. There are several clinical practice guidelines that show spinal manipulative therapy is actually the recommended first-line intervention.
In recent decades, more and more people are deciding to begin Chiropractic care. It’s clear that for many, a Chiropractor has been an integral part of people’s health care team.
What Everyone Needs to Know About Cholesterol
High cholesterol has long been known as a factor in one of our modern age’s biggest killers: cardiovascular disease. Though cholesterol’s bad rap certainly should be considered, it’s important to know what cholesterol actually is – and what you should be doing to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
Did you know that your body will make its own cholesterol?
There are two sources of cholesterol: the ones you eat, and the cholesterol your liver makes. This waxy substance shouldn’t be thought of as inherently bad.
Your body will produce about 80% of the cholesterol that is found in your blood. The other 20% is affected by what you’re eating.
Each of us needs cholesterol to build cells, make vitamins, and produce the necessary hormones. That means cholesterol is an absolutely essential ingredient in our health.
Too much cholesterol, however, is what posts a serious problem.
“Bad” Vs. “Good” Cholesterol
There are two types of cholesterol:
- LDL (Low-density lipoprotein)
- HDL (High-density lipoprotein)
LDL cholesterol is likely the one you’ve heard most about, since it’s considered to be the “bad” one. This type of cholesterol contributes to the buildup of plaque in the walls of arteries, which then narrow and lose their elasticity. When the flow of blood is reduced in the arteries around the heart, it seriously increases the risk of heart attack.
HDL cholesterol, then, is the “good” type. It carries the LDL cholesterol away from the artery walls, which will decrease the risk of heart disease.
The Lifestyle Factors You Need to Consider
So, what can you do to make sure you don’t join the staggering statistics of those affected by high cholesterol?
- Watch your dietary habits. Cut out the processed foods and add in more whole foods. You don’t want to eat pre-packaged food if you can help it. Fill your plate with half vegetables and some fruits at every meal, then add in the other elements. The fruits and vegetables are the real nutrition powerhouses on your plate!
- Cut out the sugary beverages. When thirsty, reach for water, not other types of beverages that can negatively affect your health. Even the beverages that are marketed as healthy either contain heaps of sugar, or sugar alternatives that are terrible for the body.
- Cook more at home. Try to avoid what seems like the easy route of going to restaurants or getting take-out frequently. When you’re at home, you control what goes on your plate and how it’s made. Bonus points for involving the whole family in meal prep!
- Stay mobile. Research shows that you can improve your cholesterol levels by being physically active. Aim for about a half-hour of physical activity per week. There is no “best” form of exercise – just choose something you like, whether cycling, swimming, gardening, or going for walks. Even if you aren’t currently as active as you’d like, start slowly with walks around the yard, and build up until your body is more able to sustain regular movement.
If you are looking for even more tips on being healthy, be sure to ask next time you are in for a Chiropractic visit.